مجلة ثقافية منوعة تصدر كل شهرين

Al-Qafilah Magazine《阿尔卡菲拉》杂志


作为阿拉伯国家最著名的文化杂志之一, 《阿尔卡菲拉》是沙特阿美主办的阿拉伯语版双月刊杂志,至今已出版了700多期。 《阿尔卡菲拉》主要刊登文学、艺术、科技方面的文章,以及与生活相关的故事。读者可以在互联网上在线查阅,印刷版在沙特国内及全球发行。

About Al-Qafilah

Al-Qafilah magazine is one of the Arab world’s best-known cultural magazines. It has been published in Arabic by Aramco since 1953, featuring more than 700 editions today. The bimonthly publication features cultural stories in literature, arts, science and technology, as well as in general life-related topics. It is available on the internet, and is distributed to subscribers in the Kingdom and around the world.

Highlights of articles about China on Al-Qafilah Magazine

Chinese artist Pan Xiaoling

Edition: July-August 2018, page 67

An artist, inspirational influencer and a successful businesswoman. Pan Xiaoling is considered an ambassador for a form of visual art that people in China call ‘peasant painting’ or ‘farmer painting’. She is an active contributor to cultural exchange programs. The article explores the artist’s story.

Made in China
A main engine for the world economy

Edition: Sep-Oct 2011, page 22

‘Made in China’ is printed on labels of products all around the world. The demand for Chinese goods increases, but how did China become an engine for global growth? The vast country’s story is not just about economics; there is also a cultural, social, and intellectual narrative to explore.


Edition: Sep-Oct 2011, page 87

This is a feature story on Silk, its history and how it made its way through legends, industry, arts and more. It is a journey that takes us from China where silk was first discovered, to Mecca, where it is now used to make a special Kiswa for Al Kabah.

Made in China – but how?

Edition: Nov-Dec 2004, page 14

How has China grown its economy? When the Chinese government began economic reform back in 1978, the project took 25 years to transform industrial and economic growth. Foreign investment helped to increase quality, knowledge, and standards, especially in heavy industries.

A Chinese look on Arabia in mediaeval times

Edition: March 1987, page 36

Back in the mediaeval era, how did Chinese view the Arab world? This article takes a look at books and documents authored by Chinese people about the Arab world.

Sino-Arab relations during the medieval era

Edition: May-June 1987, page 45

Trade between China and the Arab world has a long history, and became especially active during the Abbasid Caliphate, with ships carrying a variety of goods and manpower. This article notes Ibn Battuta’s trip to China — among others.

مقالات ذات صلة

رأت ما نشره الكاتب أحمد السعداوي في مجلة القافلة، في العدد الماضي (العدد 700)، تحت عنوان “الرواية.. فن التواضع”، إذ استعرض رأي “جون برين” بخصوص كتابة الرواية الأولى التي أشار إلى أنها تبدو أشبه بالتنويعات على السيرة الذاتية.

ذا أردت أن تقرأ بفاعلية، فاقرأ كتبًا مُعمّرة، أي تلك الكتب القديمة المُتخمة بالدروس الحياتية طويلة المدى؛ كتبًا قديمة ذات قيمة عالية، مليئة بـ “الزبدة” والطاقة الكامنة للمعلومة، ذلك لأنها استمرت طوال السنين وقودًا لتقدم البشرية.

يقول أبو العلاء المعري في واحدة من قراءاته لمستقبل الطفولة: لا تَزدَرُنَّ صِغــارًا في ملاعبِـهِم فجائزٌ أَن يُرَوا ساداتِ أَقوامِ وأَكرِمـوا الطِّفلَ عن نُكـرٍ يُقـالُ لهُ فـإِن يَعِـشْ يُدعَ كَهـلًا بعـدَ أَعــوامِ المعري وهو الذي لم يُنجبْ أطفالًا؛ لأنَّه امتنع عن الزواج طوال عمره، يؤكد من خلال خبرة معرفية أهمية التربية في البناء النفسي للأطفال، […]

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